Laboratorio de Nanoelectrónica y Nanomateriales

Four different research groups of the University of Salamanca have constituted an Advanced Laboratory, USAL-NANOLAB, to share their human resources, expertise and facilities. These teams are NonLinear Physics, Colloids and Interfaces, THz and Solar Cells, and Semiconductor Devices Groups and they have been collaborating and developing different projects along the last years.

The facilities of this Advanced Lab are: Clean Room of 120m2 and different advanced nanoelectronic and nanomaterial/characterization laboratories. One Part of this Lab is located in the sublevel 3 of the I+D+i building and another part is in Facultad de Ciencias and Facultad de Ciencias Químicas.

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USAL Laboratory of Nanoelectronics and Nanomaterials
Universidad de Salamanca